
maanantai 27. elokuuta 2012

Ps. 23

Löysin tällaisen tekstin netistä, ja se kosketti mua. Ajattelin jakaa sen myös tänne. Ajatuksena tässä on laulaa / kirjoittaa oma duetto Daavidin kanssa, psalmista 23. Oikeanpuoleinen teksti on käännöksestä The Message ja vasemmanpuoleisen tekstin on kirjoittanut Dayspring -yhtiön Really Woolly -sarjan tekijä Rose Mary Harris. 
Voisi joskus itsekin kokeilla sanoittaa uudelleen tuota niin rakasta psalmia...

God, my Shepherd! I don’t need a thing.
Hi Jesus. You amaze me the way 
You provide for me.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows.
You allow my busy mind 
and thumping heart 
to cool it so I can go to sleep!
You find me quiet pools to drink from.
Even though Your power 
surges like Niagara Falls, 
You let me sip all I want from 
Your gently cupped hands.
True to Your word, 
You let me catch my breath
Thanks so much for telling me 
what I need to hear, 
so I don’t exhaust myself 
trying to figure everything out myself!
and send me in the right direction.
I’d be lost without You.
Even when the way goes through Death Valley,
When I am in a deep, dark pit--
I’m not afraid when You walk at my side.
Your company keeps me 
from totally caving in to fear.
Your trusty shepherd’s crook 
makes me feel secure.
I know You’ll correct me,
 even when I want my own controlling way.
You serve me a six-course dinner 
right in front of my enemies.
With You at the head of the table, 
it doesn’t bother me 
that the enemy is at the door!
(O.K. maybe just a little.)
You revive my drooping head;
One of Your early writers calls you 
“the Lifter of his head.” I couldn’t agree more!
My cup brims with blessing.
I smile just thinking about the joys 
You pour all over my life!
Your beauty and love chase after me 
every day of my life
I just look over my shoulder and there you are!
I’m back home in the house of God
This place is where I always have family, 
and you’re always the Father.
For the rest of my life.
Yes, for the duration of my days, 
and also for the “rest” of my life…instead of striving.

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