
maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2013

In the likeness of You

Mulla alkaa olemaan jo asunto täynnä laatikoita. (Mm. kirjahyllyn tyhjensin, sillä se lähtee huomenna kierrätyskeskukseen.) Niinpä ei kovin syvällistä tekstiä tällä kertaa, mutta kuuntelin youtubesta vanhoja Petran biisejä, ja tämä kolahti jälleen kerran. Haluan enemmän ja enemmän kasvaa Kristuksen kaltaisuuteen.

Petra: In the likeness of You 
(Ps. 17:15)

In the likeness of You
Recreated, renewed
Let me awake forever
In the likeness In the likeness of You
Now I lay me down to sleep
My heart and soul are Yours to keep
I close my eyes and try to see More of You and less of me
Jesus, I'm trusting in You So while I'm sleeping
Keep me dreaming
Of when I will awake

In the likeness of You
Recreated, renewed
Resurrected by Your righteousness
In Your likeness
In the likeness of You

Men dream of fortune and fame
Making the rules, naming the game
And men dream of things they can hold
Money and power, silver and gold
Jesus, I'm dreaming of You
Take me and melt me, mold me
Until I am complete
In the likeness of You
Recreated, renewed Resurrected by Your righteousness
In the likeness of You
In the likeness of You
So faithful and true
Let me awake forever in the likeness of You
The likeness of You
I want to be I want to be like You In all I say In all I do 


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